Apple has quietly launched the Apple TV in India for Rs 7,900. We were earlier told it would be priced at Rs 6,990. We checked with a couple of Apple premium resellers but it seems the stocks have not made it to stores, yet. The company has updated its website to add an India-specific Apple TV product page along with its pricing.
Apple TV is a digital box that brings iTunes Store content to televisions and also helps connect iDevices to the bigger display with AirPlay. This was an expected move since the launch of iTunes Store in India towards the end of last year.
The Apple TV 3rd generation, which will be launched in India, supports up to 1080 pixel resolution. The device has an HDMI port, micro-USB, Ethernet port, built-in IR receiver and WiFi. Apart from that, it sports Apple A5 processor, 512MB RAM and 8GB NAND Flash memory for caching content, and comes with a Apple remote.
Are you excited to check out the Apple TV?
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