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Spokesperson – Durgesh Kaushik. Durgesh is a former Facebook’s APAC Online Marketing Head – SMB is the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at Edureka. He comes with 9 years of global work experience and has launched several successful advertiser acquisition campaigns that helped Facebook increase their advertiser base in EMEA Apart from spearheading the entire Marketing arm at Edureka, Durgesh majorly focuses on optimizing and scaling the digital marketing operations and defining the go-to-market strategies for company’s expansion into global markets.

Edureka has been receiving immaculate response from its customers through social media communications and thus plans to accentuate marketing and endorsement through this platform.

Education and food are two top grossing sectors in which Indian startups lay hands on. But hold on, Edureka has its tentacles across the globe unlike many other startup in India. 20% quarterly growth annually is a mere example to let our views deduce upon Edureka’s achievement.

So why is Edureka muscular than any other e-Learning platform? is a niche high end online course instructor-led website with 24×7 on demand support. Edureka is a driving India and Indians to get their hands dirty more on big data, cloud and mobility. These three things have emerged to become the biggest and most disruptive business technologies in the IT markets globally in the last few years.

Edureka’s founders Lovleen Bhatia and Kapil Tyagi had precisely identified, as early as in 2010, that the demand for skills in new technologies would far outnumber the supply. The cognizance this growing market gap combined with a research project on student’s learning methodologies that the two founders conducted at ABES Engineering college, NCR led to the foundation of Edureka (Education+ Eureka) in 2011. What really distinguishes Edureka is its delivery methodology- the firm provides a first of its kind ‘live instructor led courses’ for a duration ranging between 4 weeks to 8 weeks and 24×7 support to solve student queries.


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