NewsDeck120 worth it?
Generally, we try to provide drawbacks to the readers. With it’s awesome features as well. But in NewsDeck120’s case, we would like to go only for why NewsDeck120 should be a must have app. The reason is simple, it is way too ahead in simplifying your lifestyle. Talking of drawback? No we didn’t figured that out. None.
Speaking broadly, you can visit their website Flawlessly, you can click on the play button and listen to the news of 120 words. The landing page shows you 3 RBG (red blue, green) options:
1) 10 min cover to cover, the whole picture
2) 5 min power bulletin for big news
3) 2 min must know stories of the day
|NewsDeck120 android app can be downloaded from here|
NewsDeck120 android app Insights
As you can see, as simple as it seems. If you have opened their website, you would notice that the NewsDeck120 android app contains same interface as website. You can browse through 2, 5 or 10 mins news as well.
There are not much settings in this android app, you can turn on or off the notifications.
To spotlight some knowledge to teens, or rather you can call NewsDeck120’s explicit feature: they have provided Quick Wiki at the top right of all the news articles. If you are reading a news article about Rahul Gandhi as main keyword, then Quick Wiki can tell you who exactly is Rahul Gandhi.
Strictly speaking, NewsDeck120 can be best termed as the best and evergreem alternative to Google News. 1.9MB apk file wont affect much. It neither depletes your bandwidth not causes any harm with memory. NewsDeck120 can be said the best alternative to 4th Estate. The only difference lies is in the GUI. NewsDeck120 does not have any specific category in their layout.
Maybe Harsha and Venkat planned to make NewsDeck120 as simple as it can be. Many android apps have been planned and have executed themselves but couldnt find success as people’s champion. NewsDeck120 needs more marketing to let people know the features. There is a strange thing about 120 with this app. Apart from number of words being 120 in all their news, they specified the introduction of the app in the playstore with 120 words as well.