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You have landed to the right page!
Submit your startup now. Look at these questionaires. Copy them to a word file and send it to submit@TheTechPanda.com
We will get back to you :
1. How do you plan to make the world a better place?
2. Provide LinkedIn, CrunchBase, Twitter, Facebook profiles and Facebook page etc of the founding members and company.
3. Please tell us about the founder(s)/co-founder(s) and the team with previous experience and education?
4. Mention your direct competitors and indirect competitors. What is/are your competitive advantage(s)?
5. Why do you think most startups fail?
6. How do you manage to market your product/service? What strategies have you adopted till now?
7. Do you believe that success of a business is based upon the vision and hard work of the founding members, or a team effort put upon by fellow employees?
8. What do you think is most important for a startup – kick-ass team or abundant resources? What do you have?
9. Provide some statistics like sales this month or year, website hits, users subscribed etc.
10. Provide downloadable links to your company logo, team pic, product pic etc.
11. Who is the spokesperson for this questionnaire? Provide your email id and contact details for us to get in touch with you.
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SwachhBharatapp .com - When will listing be reopened?
The listing has been reopened @swachhbharatmission:disqus :)
There is a start up for the real estate projects where you can get good deals
Lovely! please submit.
Hi Please let me know when our startup will get published.
Can't submit the questionnaire. Please ammend it.
Amol Gulhane, Robolab Pune
So i need to apply with the answers to get my startup listed??